Friday, April 30, 2010

ME time

A friend asked if I still have ‘me’ time. I said my ME time is at work and the 15-minute read before I hit the sack every night. I know work is clearly not ME time but I’ve been consumed by it over the past 2 weeks that sometimes I felt like I’m standing on a big juggling ball with small juggling balls in my hands as I try to stay balanced. If there is any time left, I would rather spend it with bb S and M than to have it to myself.

It’s a juggling act, trying to balance work and being home with M and bb S. There are days when I feel that I’m doing poor at everything. I constantly remind myself that I’m not the one doing this but God is.

SO today, as M is out on a photography course and bb S taking her morning nap, I decided to ditch my work  (some stuff to clear over the weekend) and blast the TV with Chinese entertainment news, flipping channels, reading magazine and have a cuppa.

I’m contented with this simple and short ME time.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


In the 60’s & 70’s , it seemed like a must for every baby to take some “rattan chair” or full-body naked shots. We’ve done the body shot, so here we are, the rattan chair shot, living up to the tradition. 



Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happy baby

It’s already the third day for Sophie in school but tears still welled up in the morning as I kissed her goodbye. I know she’s fine and probably enjoying herself with other babies yet there’s a big part in me that is learning to let go. I took a picture of her when we picked her up from school to remind myself that she is HAPPY. Even the teachers commented that she’s a HAPPY baby. Now it’s my turn to be a HAPPY mom.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Time to let go and let God

Today was supposed to be a BIG day for ME and bb S – her first day to school (infant care). I've been thinking about TODAY for weeks... The weekend has been precious than ever as I secretly combat against my OWN separation anxiety. A friend told me once that sending our children to school/child care could be harder than pregnancy, delivery and breast feeding...
Last night, as we were almost set, packed and ‘sort of ‘ ready for today, I remember I have a meeting that cannot be skipped in the morning, hence cannot take leave. So just like that, we decided to send her tomorrow. I was relieved. Perhaps it's just another excuse for me to keep her at home longer, even for one more day...


- Psalms 23:-1

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Flavour of the month


The  latest craze of the household – black glutinous rice delight, adapted from Cyrstal Jade Palace @ Taka. Boil glutinous rice with water until the liquid has been absorbed and rice is soft and chewy. No sugar is needed.  Allow to cool. When serve,  add ice cream (green tea or vanila), glass jelly (cut into cubes) and dried longan.

Seek ye first…

Meditation, the best therapy in life and a new category in my blog.

Nope, I’m not referring to “ohhmm…” and floating around with folded legs, but meditating on God’s word, ie remembering, muttering on verses.

So, verse for today/ perhaps this week for me is : -

Mathew 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”

Let me attempt to dissect the verse for my OWN understanding.

Seek ye first = prioritise, keep our eyes fixed, put in 1st place above other things, above ourselves, above family, work, everything else

The kingdom of God and his righteousness= word of God, Jesus’s righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit,

And all these things = wisdom, peace, health, prosperity, favour, ALL things that concern us

Shall be = with NO doubt, for sure

Added = given freely, increase, taken care of

Unto you = ME!

Just keep our eyes on Jesus and His finished work on the cross, He will add the things that we need in life to us…

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Say Cheeeese

We should have taken pictures of the effort behind the scene to make bb S smile at the camera. The silly faces, funny noises, rattles and clapping. We were all out to grab her attention for a DIY family portrait.

Family Portraits

Note: Daddy was NOT trying to be funny for the shot, he was sweating!

Family Portraits1

I’ve been wanting to take a 3G (3-generation) shot and finally…
