I’m 15 weeks pregnant! I’ve been trying to sit and get this post written for weeks now, but it was always pushed aside because other things felt more important…I know I may regret it if I don’t write about my pregnancy, as if I owe it to the baby. You know, some years down the road, a little voice may question me: “mommy, why didn’t you write about me but you wrote about jie jie?”. Oh well.
Queezy was my first name during the first 3 months, which explains the lack of posts… Most of the days were spent in bed and feeling grumpy as almost no food could go down well with me. My sense of smell heightened as I resented strong food odors especially garlic (my love)!. The peak was when I found daddy M smelly. It was difficult for him.. poor daddy. We couldn’t even sit together to have a decent conversation, without me covering my nose! It was not body odor but if I had to describe, it would be similar to old furniture in a damp room full of spoiled moth balls. The weirdest thing was, two of my colleagues started to develop the same smell!!! Bizarre.
Thank God all these are OVER! I’m back to being NORMAL! My appetite is back and my bump is showing!
Difference between the 1st and the 2nd:-
- I had minor bleeding during the 5th week.
- I teared when I saw the sonogram. I was clueless during the 1st.
-Morning sickness extended to 24 hours vs. only puking at night during the 1st pregnancy.
- I’m more sentimental – cherishing my days of three more – the last Mother’s Day / Father’s day with one kid, the last birthday celebration as a family of three, the last trip to Penang for 2013….
- We are more relaxed and less paranoid (aka more slacked?). We tracked the baby’s growth weekly during the 1st!!
This is an answered prayer and we just KNOW that all will be well! It shall be a smooth pregnancy with painless delivery. The baby shall be sweet natured, healthy, beautiful, intelligent and we will have a easy post-partum with more than sufficient milk! Amen!