It has been 6 weeks since the arrival of baby L. Today marks a new beginning as the confinement aunty finishes her engagement. She has been a great help, 100% much better than our first. Hence I’m somewhat anxious of her departure…
The past 6 weeks seemed like a life time ago (technically baby L's lifetime) with so much memories and celebrations (Christmas, New Year, first month)…The hormones rage this round did not turn me into a vampire like the last but a cry baby. Any little thing could send my mood spirally downward. I was pretty down for the first 3 weeks with wild mood swings that ended up in tears.
The strict confinement practices implemented by my mom (eg. no vegetables for whatever reason, no water etc), coping with rusty breastfeeding and engorgement plus the attention demanded by S were the key factors that drove me up the wall.
I need to pen this journey down as it is moving faster than I can remember…
At 6 weeks, baby L is 4kg. We are super contented that her weight is “normal” as we were so used to being told that our baby (S) was always at the lowest percentile. She needs to be burped and elevated after each feed or she may end up being the Singapore merlion (major regurgitation).
Although apprehensive that we are now on our own (well, still with the help of our domestic help) I pray that that all will be well and we get to enjoy/cherish every single bit of this new chapter.