Well, I have 22 things (today) that I love about my husband.
- Jesus is his hero
- He is my no. 1 fan
- His wisdom
- My friends can confide in him
- His stamina to wake up at 6am every morning just to send me to work
- Staying up till late (watching TV) to accompany me finish up my work
- I can count on him at all times
- His great photography skills
(eg. pix on right)
- He quietly clears all the hair that I dropped in the shower
- Kids like him
- His passion for laundry
- He doesn’t leave his dirty laundry on the floor
- He loves my cooking
- He doesn’t nag at my chronically messiness
- Good in planning holidays and excellent traveling companion
- He writes well
- He is efficient at work
- Half-Hainanese convert
- He has sexy calves
- Handy man in the making
- He downloads Chinese songs for me
- He loves coriander & BCM
your title is misleading: there's no "he loves me not" in this at all! or "i love him not", for that matter :)
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