I wanted to blog about my good friends to tell them I love and treasure them. This is the best I can do… Those who have eyes, let them read…
The All-rounder. She sings, she writes, she cooks (best chef in town), she sews, she’s good with her hands and she’s smart. She’s one whom I call for ALL recipes. She is a survivor.
Miss Big heart. She’s got the biggest heart and compassion beyond comprehension (she donates to busker-uncles DAILY). She’s always ready to help with ANYTHING (from buying diapers to event organizing). She's one whom I would trust to baby-sit MSKJ one day..
The Calmer. She’s always calm and composed. Yelling is not in her dictionary. She remains unrattled in times of trying.
The Dreamer. She not only dreams but she carries out her dreams. She’s an idealist yet versatile. Her life is never dull and always ready to plan the next holiday, gathering, and celebration.
The Etiquetter – She’s the master of all social graces and manners. You’ll never catch her walking and eating simultaneously alive. She’s also the Singapore-version of Martha Stewart who can host beautiful parties to planning a perfect wedding.
Miss Frugal– She’s good with numbers and the person whom we entrust with ‘ang pow’ box at weddings. She’s organized in her money management and a savvy consumer who doesn’t waste her money, time and energy on things she doesn’t need.
The Guy’s girl. She can be any men’s bestfriend because she knows more about football and car racing than any normal guy. She’s humorous and not afraid to make fun of herself to entertain others.
Miss Outspoken. She’s frank and honest. She’s never pretentious and doesn’t hide her feelings. She’s protective over her friends. She lives life to the fullest by swaying in ballrooms to wakeboarding in waters...
Social butterfly. She’s easy going and have tonnes of friends. She has the gift of gap and can help you break the ice in a boring party.
Tough cookie. Independent and strong minded. She knows what she wants and in control of her life. She doesn’t take any nonsense and definitely not afraid of a bully. Her luurve for Chicken Vindaloo is as much as mine...
The vain pot. She’s in denial of her flawless complexion. She knows the best dermatologist in town. She’s positive and contented with her life (other than her complexion). She chooses to look at the bright side of things yet carries a bitch bone in her body. She’s the winner of ‘the most transformed woman after motherhood’.
Walking medical encyclopedia. She knows which doctor to recommend in town . Tell her your symptoms and she would probably be able to diagnose you over the phone with all the medical terms.
The All-rounder. She sings, she writes, she cooks (best chef in town), she sews, she’s good with her hands and she’s smart. She’s one whom I call for ALL recipes. She is a survivor.
Miss Big heart. She’s got the biggest heart and compassion beyond comprehension (she donates to busker-uncles DAILY). She’s always ready to help with ANYTHING (from buying diapers to event organizing). She's one whom I would trust to baby-sit MSKJ one day..
The Calmer. She’s always calm and composed. Yelling is not in her dictionary. She remains unrattled in times of trying.
The Dreamer. She not only dreams but she carries out her dreams. She’s an idealist yet versatile. Her life is never dull and always ready to plan the next holiday, gathering, and celebration.
The Etiquetter – She’s the master of all social graces and manners. You’ll never catch her walking and eating simultaneously alive. She’s also the Singapore-version of Martha Stewart who can host beautiful parties to planning a perfect wedding.
Miss Frugal– She’s good with numbers and the person whom we entrust with ‘ang pow’ box at weddings. She’s organized in her money management and a savvy consumer who doesn’t waste her money, time and energy on things she doesn’t need.
The Guy’s girl. She can be any men’s bestfriend because she knows more about football and car racing than any normal guy. She’s humorous and not afraid to make fun of herself to entertain others.
Miss Outspoken. She’s frank and honest. She’s never pretentious and doesn’t hide her feelings. She’s protective over her friends. She lives life to the fullest by swaying in ballrooms to wakeboarding in waters...
Social butterfly. She’s easy going and have tonnes of friends. She has the gift of gap and can help you break the ice in a boring party.
Tough cookie. Independent and strong minded. She knows what she wants and in control of her life. She doesn’t take any nonsense and definitely not afraid of a bully. Her luurve for Chicken Vindaloo is as much as mine...
The vain pot. She’s in denial of her flawless complexion. She knows the best dermatologist in town. She’s positive and contented with her life (other than her complexion). She chooses to look at the bright side of things yet carries a bitch bone in her body. She’s the winner of ‘the most transformed woman after motherhood’.
Walking medical encyclopedia. She knows which doctor to recommend in town . Tell her your symptoms and she would probably be able to diagnose you over the phone with all the medical terms.
how sweet! thanks!
i hope and i think i am on one of the list. but not sure which. HAHAA
sin yee, mai keh!
Come on sk, names on each lei. Some I can't figure out
I know who is who...
So sweet of you....
i think the fun is in keeping everyone else guessing. try verifying with her in private la
Bravo to wl who got 9 out of 10 correct!! clap clap clap...
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