I’m hoping to carry on this unfinished resolution this year at a less ambitious pace –ONE book every TWO months?
I am a reluctant reader or rather, the passion died down as I explored life over the years… I could finish one novel a week back in high school (caveat: all in Chinese). YL and I became librarians just to get our hands on popular reads before anyone did :)
So one out of six is down for 2009 with Chasing Harry Winston by Lauren Weisberger (authour for Devil wears Prada). It’s a light and brainless read. Quite Sex-in-the-city like with the usual girl friends and stuff though the ending is a bit haste. Rating: 2.5 out of 5. Next on the list: Everyone worth knowing (All thanks to M who got me a series of her books from India at S$2/each!). I can be hooked on the same author for months or years especailly chic-lit. Chewy can testify to that on Marian Keyes.
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