If not for our self-entertainment with jokes, gossips, good news, laughter and funny ice-breaking game (despite knowing each other for 10+ years), we would have 'overpaid' for the venue...
Production title: last minute revision for test
Cast: SK & M
Scene 1 props: Dictionary, text book, notes
SK: J’ai, Tu as, Il a, Nous avons, Vous avez, Ils ont. Ok now your turn
M: J’ai, Tu as, Il a, Nous avons, Vous avez, Ils ont.
SK: Je suis, Tu er, Il est, Nous sommes, Vouz etes, Ils sont. Test me again.
M: …
SK: Je suis, Tu er, Il est, Nous sommes, Vouz etes, Ils sont.
Before we knew it. The attention span is up.
Scene 2 props: Dictionary, text book, notes & helmet??
I’m hoping that our descendants will inherit the nerdy-studious-model student genes from me.
Enough of my series of fatigue-griping-melancholic posts. I started the day determined to blog about something happy or beautiful. Got it! Etsy simple yet lurrvely cards for the tongue tied with messages such as :-
The last one is my favourite :) Ideas for the romantic-at-heart to slip under a pillow…
I want one for my work- “Sorry. If I had known, I wont' be sitting here."