Everyone likes a little compliment. Everyone aches for a little acknowledgement and encouragement here and there. We yearn to be noticed (subconsciously).
The next time your maid finished weeding or changed your new sheets, tell her “Good job”. Noticed someone with a new outfit, a new bag, a new watch, a new hair cut? Compliment them (genuinely). Tell them you like it.
Who looks sad? Stop and ask them if they are ok. Who just started a new job, send a SMS to find out how their colleagues are or send a card to the new office. Who lost a job? Send some cookies to his/her house. The next time you buy yourself some after-lunch snacks or fruits, buy one for your stressed-out colleague sitted next to you, with a smiley face post-it-note. Compliment your friend for the child who recently learnt how to write or read, or participated in a sport/game.
There are so many little gestures (genuine I re-emphasized) that we can do that make one’s heart sing. It maybe short-lived but at least it sings…You’ll never know how much joy you could give a person by showing that you notice.
Woman: "You just winked at a very plain looking woman”
Man: "Yes, I know," "And, if she's a school teacher, her class will be in for a fantastic day."
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