I find the term interesting. Men process life in boxes, separated by walls. Their thoughts are divided into boxes that have space for one issue and ONE issue only. Eg. when a man is at work, he is at work. When he is driving, he is driving. When he is watching TV, he is plainly watching TV. He spends most of his time in boxes that make him feel the best and successful, and ignore boxes that confuse or make him feel like a failure.

In contrast, women (I can totally identify) process life like a plate of pasta. Her thought processes are like the noodles, inter-twined with each other. Therefore she is good at multi-tasking. Talk on the phone, prepare a meal, making a shopping list; all at the same time. This happens to me all the time and M can’t stand it!
So a woman deems that every problem is connected to another problem. By disconnecting issue 1 with issue 2 is an act of denial. So women constantly need to talk things through and link the logical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the issue. Often, this is the root of stress, while a woman makes all the connections, the man is frantically jumping from boxes to keep up. So by the time the woman is finished, the man is lost and confused!

Oh fellow girls, please note that there are also boxes that are empty, ie no words, no thoughts. Men will usually park himself in the empty boxes to relax. So don't be oversensitive or fault them if they reply "nothing'' to your quesiton: "Darling, what's on your mind?" . It could really be NOTHING.
I suppose we are never too old to look at relationship from a different perspective, and never too late to fine tune our approach to build deeper understanding with our partner.
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