Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Drumroll please...

Sunday, November 28, 2010
Happy birthday, Ms Sagittarius
My Sagittarius carefree friend received a hand-made album of herself for her birthday. It’s an ultra-thoughtful-out-of-this-word gift customising recent photos of her trip to Europe. The album also comes with a self-made cover sleeve. I know this has got nothing to do with me but I’m so in awe and speechless that it warrants a post! This is truly some gift that money can’t buy. It’s a gem.
Die-hard romance
PS: Happy Birthday, my carefree-yet-at-times-OCD dear friend!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
My "order book" over the next 2 weeks seems pretty full - tight deadline at work (last few reports to go before free & easy December!), tidying up loose ends for bb S birthday, thinking for M's birthday present, planning for activities for Dad and nephew who'll be in town, Christmas shopping list...
Breath in... breath out....in again... and out....
"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."--- Romans 8:28
Monday, November 22, 2010
Effective parenting
Parenting tip #101: Strategically position your play pan facing the TV. Play some bible stories or children gospel songs and enjoy your meal in peace for a good 30 minutes.
First-time parent to a fast-crawling baby
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Happy 33!
We met 11 years ago. First impression: Aloof. Mysterious.
A few months down the road, we became good friends, belonging to the four-footer club. She’s been a great influence over these years, seeing me through my ups and downs, sharing my joys and darkest secrets…
It’s her birthday today and let me tell you all about her...
- Trait: iron will, intuitive, sensitive, courageous, fierce and has an incredible personal magnetism
- Work: successful, loyal, confident and efficient
- Motherhood: One of the most ‘let-go’ and cool moms to two beautiful kids. A non-conformist to our Kiasu/Kiasi culture
- Family: She’s the pillar to her sister, giving her the best and all. A great daughter her father needs and proud of
- Wife: Passionate, a close confidant . She is a steady and calm wife who seldom loses her cool, but when she does, he is in BIG BIG trouble
- Friendship: She is discerning, knowing who are real friends. She has great wisdom and often sought as a solver to friends’ problems
Happy Birthday my dear friend! I am privileged to be in your inner circle today. Wishing you health, joy and perfect complexion!
PS: my mother describes her as the very very very beautiful one.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Random thoughts
- I wake up and sleep with “what’s pink and orange” in my mind.
- I am a present nazi, flower nazi and beautiful things nazi.
- Bb S is still teasing my mom, not allowing her to carry but calling her sweetly and ‘tempt’ her from far.
- November is a month of birthdays = eat, eat, eat.
- Eat, Pray, Love is worth a watch, if you have TIME – it’s a 2.5 hours movie.
- I hope we can go to the cinema at least 3 times a year. Once every 2 years is UNACCEPTABLE!
- Death and life are in the power of tongue – Proverbs 18:21.
- Textile centre is the best place to get cheap and nice ribbons in Singapore!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
She likes to hide behind the dining chair to peep over while I do my work, and loves it if I pretend to be surprised to see her…
Monday, November 15, 2010
7-year hitch
We celebrated our 7-year courtship anniversary today. What have I learnt from this tall, dark and handsome man after being with him for 2,555 days?
- Family is the most important thing in the world
- Wisdom is the best asset one can have
- Do not overstretch myself
- How to frame and compose a nice photo shot
- Indian food is not fattening
- uTorrent is a good source of entertainment
- I am loved no matter what happens
- Self confidence
Happy anniversary babe.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Bottomed out
Bottomed out- a commonly used term in my course of work for companies starting to pick up in profits after a season of ‘lows’. Never thought it would be applicable to me. On the day my accident last week, my central nerve system sort of broke down and I accidentally bit my lip over lunch. It has since developed into a septic ulcer that requires antibiotic treatment. My speech and mood have been affected over the past few days as I couldn’t talk due to the pain. Colleagues told me that I have been jinxed given the series of ‘event’s that had happened to me recently - chicken pox, bb S falling sick, accident, back ache, knee, ulcer... But I rejected all in Jesus name, knowing that great blessings are in store for me. Yesterday I gloriously closed the chapter of my ‘episodes’ by accidentally stepping on someone’s poo in the ladies!Bizarre!! God knows how the piece of s.h.i.t landed on the floor…
Psalms 23: 4 ~ Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Privilege of a first born
A friend of mine once laughed at parents who spend effort organising their first child’s 1st birthday… I was also in the sniggering camp wondering how some parents are able to splurge $200 on an elaborated 3D birthday cake for a child who can’t enjoy it and probably won’t remember a single second of the day.
Obviously I have switched camp, although I’m still not willing to spend $200 on a cake. But I’m imagining a colourful, fun, festive 1st birthday for bb S! Why not?? I only have ONE firstborn in my life.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Soul refreshing
Psalms 23: 3 ~ He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake
My soul is refreshed. I am righteous not because of my own ‘works’ but by His grace and what He has done on the cross. Righteousness again, is not something ‘holy’ or the feeling of up and mighty. It’s knowing that we are RIGHT in His eyes. Doesn’t matter what we have done or gone through. We are still loved. So much more by Jesus.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Psalms 23
Psalms 23 is an awesome passage… simple and powerful. Every verse speaks of LIFE, if we take time to understand them… There are only 6 verses in this chapter. If we just take 5 minutes a day to meditate on each verse, we’ll be surprised how it breathes words to us as we go about our daily lives...
1~The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.
This does not mean I am ‘holy’ and not having any ‘wants’. But it means I shall not lack. Simply because He is the shepherd. I am provided for.
2~He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he leadeth me beside the still waters
He LEADS me. He makes me REST. Rest doesn’t mean physical inactivity. Rest = Believing. Knowing that the finished work is DONE because of Jesus on the cross.
To be continued….
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Do not try this at home
The other day, out of desperation to help bb S fight her high fever, I heeded a friend’s advice to try a home remedy.
Friend: “When I was young and had high fever, my mom used to make a dough out of plain flour and raw egg, put it on my chest for about 20minutes. My fever subsided immediately. It’s very effective!!”
We googled it and found some comments on the effectiveness of this traditional method.
When I took this picture, I was having a good laugh and couldn’t wait to brag about the success of the home remedy.
A few hours later, I was at the paediatrician being ‘educated’ on how infants under 1 year-old could react to egg white.
Not only did the fever remain, bb S developed a red patch of rash on her chest, possibly from the egg.
Do not judge or roll your eyes. I know I need more wisdom. Sorry bb S...
Note: the remedy was done when daddy M was not at home. As usual, he was calm when he found out…
First-time parent.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The pillar
After reading my previous post, daddy M asked me:“how come I wasn’t mentioned at all?”
Oh yes, I got carried away…How could I have missed daddy M? The pillar who :-
- was the first person I called after the accident
- did not hesitate for a second to drop everything in the office to be with me
- made the right decision when I was confused and dazed from concussion
- understood that I needed good food to cheer me up
- ensured that bb S is well taken care of
- is always there for me
Silver lining
I am expecting good things to come out of this week.
Monday morning: Went for a scheduled MRI for my knee which has been giving me some problem.
Tuesday morning: On my way to see the doc to review the MRI (above), my cab was knocked from the rear. I suffered a mild concussion and some pain on my back. With that I was given a week of hospitalisation leave (alternative to hospital admission).
Tuesday afternoon: Went for a back MRI and neck X-Ray as a result of the accident.
Wednesday morning: Physiotherapy for the above.
Wednesday afternoon: Review of second MRI shows a tear on the disc fibrosis at my lower back and a minor whiplash on my neck.
It’s only mid-week but it’s been one heck of a week.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.
~Psalm 23:6
Monday, November 1, 2010
Holiday planning
We are always fickle, especially in our travelling plans. More so with bb S in our lives.
First we planned to visit daddy M’s sister and nephews in Melbourne in December. Then we heard that it may be very hot this summer. So we changed our plans to Tasmania, hoping to escape from the heat. A few days later, suddenly we were travelling half the globe to Cape Town because the air tickets were cheap. Yes we can be unrealistic at times. So we popped some reality pills and agreed that we should wait another 5 more years to enjoy the Safari together with bb S. Then we were going to Paris and Aix en Province. Too cold too cold! Kyoto and Tokyo would be better. I was thrilled to fulfil my dream! Sigh…but 10-15°C is still too cold for the little fella considering that we sleep in 26°C (with blanket).
Finally we took the exotic route to Chiang Mai or Bali. Perfect weather.
We tossed a few coins and read hundreds of reviews from Tripadvisor.
Uluwatu Beach here we come.
It’s also my alternative to the Amalfi Coast…