Saturday, January 31, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Book worm wannabe

I’m hoping to carry on this unfinished resolution this year at a less ambitious pace –ONE book every TWO months?
I am a reluctant reader or rather, the passion died down as I explored life over the years… I could finish one novel a week back in high school (caveat: all in Chinese). YL and I became librarians just to get our hands on popular reads before anyone did :)
So one out of six is down for 2009 with Chasing Harry Winston by Lauren Weisberger (authour for Devil wears Prada). It’s a light and brainless read. Quite Sex-in-the-city like with the usual girl friends and stuff though the ending is a bit haste. Rating: 2.5 out of 5. Next on the list: Everyone worth knowing (All thanks to M who got me a series of her books from India at S$2/each!). I can be hooked on the same author for months or years especailly chic-lit. Chewy can testify to that on Marian Keyes.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Travelolic anonymous

I’m easily tempted. After sort of being ‘cajoled’ by my colleague that the deal for Banyan Tree Phuket was value for money, I convinced myself that I need a break in Jan in view of the hectic schedule in Feb (despite having a slow month in Dec).
A day after my return, he ‘persuaded’ me that $598 to Taiwan is a good deal (of which he has happily booked to go for Easter)! 2 weeks ago, after watching The Duchess, I thought Bath is worth a visit.
Meanwhile, I’m salivating over colleagues who are spending CNY in Morocco, London, Hokkaido, Tanjung Jara Resort... Sherena, LS, YL and WL are also respectively planning trips! I want to say YES to all.
Yes to more holidays
Yes to sweet deals
Yes to hot spring
Yes to fresh sashimi
Yes to breath-taking scenery
Yes to countries with weakening currencies
Yes to sweet deals
Yes to hot spring
Yes to fresh sashimi
Yes to breath-taking scenery
Yes to countries with weakening currencies
Do they have travelolic anonymous support group??
Hmmm... I think my meds from food poisoning may have affected the neuro system...
Monday, January 19, 2009
For the 1st time

There’s always a first time for everything and I’m blessed to have experienced a whole lot of them during this short trip.
The most classic and adding to the Doing-the-SK-thing series #105- FORGOT TO BRING MY WALLET. It felt quite good to have all on-board expenses ‘paid’ for!
The most classic and adding to the Doing-the-SK-thing series #105- FORGOT TO BRING MY WALLET. It felt quite good to have all on-board expenses ‘paid’ for!
- Being massaged at the beach, topless (facing down, of course)
- Finished 200 out of 280 pages (chic-lit) in 3 days which would have taken months
- Ate a 7-inch long prawn
- Being greeted by GENUINE smiles from almost 100% of the hotel staff who're eager to be of service
- Saw the best (yet) sun set like a big orange ball
- Discovered that pineapple juice + chopped mint leaves can be absolutely refreshing
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Imperfectly Perfect

Love tank

PS: everyone has a love tank- how you express love and how you feel loved (in general and not limited to between couples). There are 5 ways of expressing love -1) words, 2) quality of time, 3) gifts, 4) acts of service and 5) physical touch. Obviously my tank can be filled easily by 3 and 4 :)

PS 2: thanks wl!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
New addiction

Hmm.. I think it is absolutely necessary for another hair spa to restore and repair the potential dryness from hot sun after my beach holiday this weekend! Yep, it's a need.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
For better or for much better
2 days ago, Marcel reminded me to get abalone for my parents. Yesterday, he reminded me to get Bak Kwa for my parents. Today, he asked me if we need to get new steamboat pot for my mom for CNY. I'm deeply touched. The CNY goodies were usually initiated by the service-award and world-peace ambassador, moi.
I've always been the one doing the reminding and shopping. It's a 'Chinese' practice after all... Years back, I had hoped that the goodies could smoothen the unspoken tension (disapproval from my parents of me seeing a non-Chinese). Of course today the tension is no longer there, by the grace of God (perhaps the abalone did some good too haha).
But what touched me most is him being proactive this year. I'm thankful and contented. Who says it will only get worse after marriage?
Friday, January 9, 2009
3,2,1, Action!

So how is it really like? The interview was not 'live' from the main studio but in a small room in OCBC building. I sat behind a desk, facing a camera. On my left, there's a small screen showing the presenter from the main studio. I had an earpiece and a tiny microphone clipped on my shirt. The presenter started by interviewing others from other studios while I waited for my turn. And a voice from the ear peace: "Ok SK, you're up in 2 minutes". Gulp.
Presenter: “Now, let's hear it from the analyst.... we have LEE SK from......". I don't know how I looked and I can't remember what I said. Before I knew it, my 3 minutes were up! I'm done. But but but i think i was repeating myself and stammering. I think i forgot to mention this and that! That's it?! No 2nd take?? And the screen on the left moved to another studio.... I vaguely heard someone over the ear peace "Thanks SK, it was good for a first timer”.
Don't ask me when it will be aired, I don't know and I didn't ask.
PS: Thank God.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Don't throw away old shoes
Anyways i like this shoe giveaway idea. Perhaps somedayI will host a donate-your-old-shoes party instead of the usual eat & drink. I'm sure my friends can easily find a few pairs that don't match their wardrobe anymore...I can see sherena leading the pack :)
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Tried and tested

Sneak preview of Yellow Light CNY set menu- Prosperity Salmon Yu Shang, Braised Shark's Fin Soup, Golden Prawns, Thai Spicy Abalone Salad, Prosperous Goodies Bag etc from $168 (4 pax) to $498 (10pax). Value-for-money and yums (tried and tested)!
Historical data shows that average Singaporeans will "lao yu shang" at least once during CNY. I did it 4 times last year! So this round, have one in Yellow Light!
The menu will be launched from 10-Jan onwards. For further details, log on to http://www.yellowlight.com.sg/ . Don't forget to take a closer look at the creative Chinese translation by Shih -哈哈大笑 大肥黄金虾, 鹏程展翅 红烧蟹肉鲍翅...

My passion in cooking will definitely come in handy. I can double up as his food sytlist for commercials, advertisements and my enthusiasm in wedding planning may influence wedding couple clients to engage me as planner! When he is off to his National Geographic overseas assignments, I will faithfully tag along, muuaahahahhaa
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
A path less taken
Service- Friendly (he seemed ‘warmer’ after leaving the corporate world)
Prawn mee- 2 sets of chopsticks (for benchmarking, my Toa payoh BCM would be rated 3 sets of chopsticks). The soup base is thick and prawny. I believe it gets gradually more flavourful as the hour goes by in a day. I think The Big Prawn Mee ($8) is better than the Standard Prawn Mee ($4.50).
PS: I salute his gut.
Guo Long Prawn Mee
Sultan's Kitchen
100 Jalan Sultan #01-06/07
Monday, January 5, 2009
Dating game

Me: Are you together?
Friend: No. We’re not together.
Me: Are you seeing each other but not exclusive?
Friend: We’re dating.
Frowned. I didn’t understand but didn’t want to impose. Questions started to pop up in my head. When do we start saying that we’re together or seeing each other exclusively? When do we say we’re in a courtship? Is it from the first kiss? First hand-holding? Mutual agreement? How do you tell if you've moved from stage 1 (dating) to 2 (being together)?
Found this from the net.
Contemporary dating is generally a self-focused past time. It is characterized by expectations of physical/emotional intimacy without commitment. Self-gratification is paramount. If either party is no longer gratified the relationship ends; thus, a cycle of short-term relationship begins and continues.
After pondering for a long long while I think I’ve got it. My version:-
Dating - a phase where a man and a woman with interest for each other meet a few times a week, send each other non-imposing sms. Physical contact is kept at a minimal level and plans with friends come first. When the man and woman start holding hands and can't wait to see each other everyday, they've moved on to the next stage.
Somehow I think holding hands is a key sign that you’re ready to ‘be together’. Holding hands sends out unspoken signals that you’re fond of each other. A woman would not let a man hold her hand if she’s not chemically attracted to him. A man usually thinks through over and over in his head before he has the courage to hold a woman’s hand (excluding flirts/playboys/one-night stands). You may disagree with me and have other 'advance' indicators but hey, I'm a nerd in disguise after all...
Sunday, January 4, 2009
See good days and enjoy life

After two full weeks of awesome lifestyle at slow-moving pace, sleeping in, leaving work at random hours, long lunches and high dosage of Cantonese drama, I’m back to normal routine now…
To motivate myself, I came up with a mood board – an A4 calendar with all the long week-ends highlighted by ME. If you’re suffering from AH-ADHD (After Holidays Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), try this. Print out a blank 2009 calendar and highlight the public holidays YOURSELF. Draw a sun, some flowers, trees around and pin it up at your workstation. You will feel an immediate rush of thrill.
I'm doing the one thing for 2009 - Rest. Already looking forward to my 1st trip of the year - Phuket.
1 Peter 3:10: 10-11 “ He who would love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips from speaking deceit. Let him turn away from evil and do good; Let him seek PEACE and pursue it".
Friday, January 2, 2009
Almost a perfect day
I was well prepared to blog about how good my day was and how 2009 has treated me pretty well so far... until I was greeted by an unwelcome visitor! A small lizard stuck on the windscreen in the car!
What do I and Marcel have in common? We are both afraid of lizards. So, imagine a man and a woman, pulled over to the side of the road. The woman squatting on the floor on one side of the car and the man hitting the car door on the other side. That was us, trying to shoo the lizzy out of the car. I know it sounds hilarious but we tend to react irrationally when we encounter these reptiles and fear is contagious. So, no exagerating movement please at times like this... I can imagine my dad shaking his head as he says: "Hiya, they are sooo small and you are so much bigger , why are you scared?!" The bottom line is - lizards drive both of us nuts . I was ready to abandon the car and take a cab home...
After constant knocking of about 15-20minutes and as we started to attract strange stares from passer-by, Marcel finally got rid of it, or so we thought because IT dissapeared and was not seen on the road (too dark anyway) nor in the car.
I'm praying that it will not resurface in the car tomorrow!
What do I and Marcel have in common? We are both afraid of lizards. So, imagine a man and a woman, pulled over to the side of the road. The woman squatting on the floor on one side of the car and the man hitting the car door on the other side. That was us, trying to shoo the lizzy out of the car. I know it sounds hilarious but we tend to react irrationally when we encounter these reptiles and fear is contagious. So, no exagerating movement please at times like this... I can imagine my dad shaking his head as he says: "Hiya, they are sooo small and you are so much bigger , why are you scared?!" The bottom line is - lizards drive both of us nuts . I was ready to abandon the car and take a cab home...
After constant knocking of about 15-20minutes and as we started to attract strange stares from passer-by, Marcel finally got rid of it, or so we thought because IT dissapeared and was not seen on the road (too dark anyway) nor in the car.
I'm praying that it will not resurface in the car tomorrow!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Instantaneous detoxification
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