Thursday, May 29, 2014

Seasons of parenting


L was a sleep-through baby since 2 months old, ie, last feed at 9.30-10pm and she would only wake up after 5a.m. I was a proud mama when someone asked me of her sleep pattern. However after her recent jabs, the pattern started to change and she would wake up a few times during the night, fussing.

As we’re trying to figure out ways to make her resume her perfect sleep pattern (and ours), I came across an article in Proverbs 31 Ministries, with a revelation from Ecclesiastes 3:11- There is an occasion for everything and a time for every activity.

We are blessed with a baby. And a baby is a BABY, with sleep pattern that is different from adults! That’s a fact. Instead of grumbling and complaining, I should attempt to take it easy and enjoy every single moment that L needs me.

This is the season for us – caring for a baby and raising a pre-school-er... At some point in my life later, I will miss the two girls ‘needing’ me … They will outgrow their cribs to big beds and not wanting to sleep with us. They may tuck away baby dolls and focus on fashion and make-up. They will leave behind pre-school and enter the scary primary / secondary school…

I should treasure the current season of parenting, rather than mourning over my sleep because, after all, every moment with our children is a blessing.

In the journey of parenting and in life, there are times to plant and uproot. Times to cry, laugh, grieve and dance. Times to embrace and turn away.  Times to speak and to keep quiet. Times to keep and to let go.

I ask God to give me the wisdom, not only to make it through the seasons, but to appreciate them as gifts from God.