Saturday, April 21, 2012

Off we go again

S is sick again. And I’m travelling for business again. I’m tired of this recurrence of “something happened before/ during my business trip” episodes. But there is nothing that I can do but to trust in the Lord. This time I can’t say NO and pull out last minute because she is not ‘seriously’ ill (fever between 38-39, cough and runny nose). It’s a long-haul trip that involves my presentation.

Dear Lord,

As I leave my sick child at home for business, I know that You are watching over my family.

No harm that come against my household shall proper and I plead the blood of Jesus on everyone at home.

Let me travel with peace of mind.


Friday, April 20, 2012

Make time for holiday

I knew that I had to do results during the week, I knew that I had to work doubly hard for a report the week after. BUT we still chose to go on a holiday and did the results during the trip and worked super hard post-trip.

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For the adults, it was a chilly, laid-back, family catch-up trip. For S, it was all about playgrounds – I think we visited seven or eight playgrounds in our 9-day stay!  

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We talked about migrating every trip we visited Australia- admiring the greener grass and bluer skies … And the thought would pass when we came home…This time, it lingers more because of S – better education?  Less stress? Raising a more care-free child?

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Neh… it’s probably another passing thought.

Monday, April 2, 2012

March's fruits- the sower

March used to be the month that the whole office looked foward to, for the bonus payout!

This year, the pay out was dissapointing (in the industry's standard) that a colleague quit immediately after the $ was in. You sense angst and low morale everywhere...

BUT this March is probably the best for me at work (other than the monetary reward), for what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal (2 Cor 4:18).

Early March, a colleague who's a heavy smoker (2 packs/day) and heavy drinker was blessed by a sermon CD which I gave him for Christmas that he wanted to bring his family to church! Fast forward three weeks, he quit smoking, effortlessly and found his way back to Jesus! His wife accepted Christ last week! His children are enjoying Rock Kidz too!

Another colleague whom has been debating with me that it is difficult to be a Christian is contemplating to follow me to church, after finishing a book that I gave her for Christmas! She's now asking me to lend her more books!!

Sometimes I wonder if my purpose in the company is to sow more seeds?