Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Perfect One

Lesson of the day. There is a thing called Perfect Partner. It simply means the person that is RIGHT for you. Everyone expresses love and care uniquely and no comparison can be made against each other.

A quick 5-minute survey with 3 women of their definitions of a "perfect partner/husband" :-

Woman A: caring, communicates, shares similar value in life, humourous

Woman B : loving, family focused, smart

Woman C : kind hearted, filial, pampers her

I think .... as long as the person fits RIGHT 80% of the time (20% allowance for individualism and potential tiffs), we can deem him/her the Perfect One. And TIME is a crucial factor to mould one into a perfect partner.


Alison said...

Very interesting.

I would say:

makes me laugh, has a kind soul, accepts my smelly farts.

hahaha .. surprisingly, my hubby is all that +!!

I like your blog! Thanks for introducing me to it. Wedding Planner wanna-be huh? I do that on the side as well:

Would love to see you write more on that!

The little me said...

Thanks for your comments! So far all wedding planning were done out of love for friends and family . I supposed no other brides would risk hiring a planner-wanna-be for their BIG day :)

Unknown said...

Like how they say:

There is never a perfect one. Its how we love them perfectly.