Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Extended CNY in Penang

I wanted to try something different with this baby and this maternity leave. So we decided to fly back to Penang for CNY, bringing the entire troop. Bb L was a good traveller who slept through the short flights to and fro. 

The kids and I spent a whooping 15 days in Penang, with daddy M leaving for Sg first.

It took me about a week to get accustomed to my hometown – how ironic. With only a handful of friends left and the new roads, new shopping places, I felt a little out of place at first. But home is home. Our original plan was for me and the kids to stay 7 days but what the heck, since I’m on maternity leave, why not just extend? So we did! From 7, I changed our tickets to 10 and further extended to 15 days!

It was a blast for S because everyday = play, play and play.


With so much time on hand, I ventureed new places with S, doing the touristy thing – art walls, reservoir, fishermen village, butterfly farm (though she refused to go in!), pasar malam and of course playgroundS!  I also had more time with friends whom I have not seen for years…



It was a good break and a change out of the routine in Singapore. It was also my longest stay in Penang since 2001. There were fleeting thoughts on how my life would have been had I not left Penang for Singapore 14 years ago. One thing for sure, my walk with God would have been very different. How about daddy M? S? L? No regrets. As I said, only fleeting thoughts.

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