Sunday, May 2, 2010

Super heroes

It has been a Superheroes weekend for bb S. WHY?

Saturday- Superman day

Subsequent to my ME time,  I confidently brought bb  S to Yellow Light for lunch with AM, with a smirk on my face (thinking that I could handle bb alone). As I was happily catching up with AM, I forgot that bb S was not buckled up in the stroller and the barrier was not down. She was sleepy and I pulled down the cover and started swinging. Before i knew it, I saw her flying out of the stroller and landed on the floor!! Praise God her forehead was up!! She cried briefly and started smiling probably after a minute or so… Shocked, guilty, worried, close to tears, laughing (to calm myself), my emotions were jumbled up, just kept thanking God that she’s fine.  I stupidly hid the incident from M until the evening, being stressed the whole day and not acting like myself.  Tsk Tsk Tsk, oh me of little faith. Of course M was not angry. I Thank God for an understanding and calm husband…

Sunday- Plastic man day

Early in the morning, as I tried to carry bb S over to nurse her, her left hand was accidently twisted and dislocated. Each time she tried to move her hand she cried like a puppy crying for help… So imagine the scene- her right arm is moving about but left hand glued to the bed. I cried this round. We sent her to A&E and the doctor manipulated her and ‘relocated’ her arm! After a loud cry and a ‘crack’ sound, bb S is moving about and smiling again.


Jesus is my Superhero!!!

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