Tuesday, July 28, 2009


H1N1 is so common now that our office doesn't really impose quarantine on those who have direct contact with H1N1 patients. So the fellas in "high risk categories" like moi are left to take matters into own hands- work from home. You may think it's cool to work from home but I don't think so...


  1. No food: lack of good eateries in the neighbourhood (Prata doesn't count) and I'm too lazy to cook for one.

  2. S .. L .. O.. W. connectivity: office web-based emails are slow and need to be refreshed to check for new mails. Ultra inconvenient!

  3. Unproductive: despite having zero interruptions from irritating colleagues, I have constant writers block (maybe I need to see my boss's face to be motivated).

  4. Lonely: I miss M more (blame it on the hormones)

  5. Distractions: from the dogs next door, TV is just 5 steps from me, bedroom is 10 steps away!

  6. Ergonomically unfriendly: My laptop screen is stoo small.. The dining table is my workstation - total mess now
*image from apartmenttherapy *

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