Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Just the 2 of us.. not for long

With my cousin who lives with us being home in Penang for a break, M just reminded me that these next 4 days will be our last chance to be home alone , with just the 2 of us for a very long time to come.
The thought is surreal…we’re looking at probably at least another 18-20 years... I’m sure it will be blessed with so much more joy!

So my plan for the last few days of ‘just the 2 of us’:-
- watch at least ONE movie together at home
- cook a simple meal together (a bit ambitious with my circumference )
- breakfast in bed?
- catch an afternoon nap together (let's hope it rains over the weekend)
- Scrabble, chess, Gin Rummy?

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