Thursday, February 4, 2010

Poke me not

I’m scared of injections, from young, even now. I usually close my eyes and turn my head away. If I can, I would also close my ears and sometimes one ear with the free hand that is not being jabbed!

I’ve been counting down to the day of bb S’s 8th week vaccination, somewhat worried for her- how painful will it be? Will she react to the jabs and have fever? How do I help to distract or comfort her if I’m scared?

Finally the day came… and before I knew it, the swift 2 pokes were done. Chop chop! She cried briefly and that’s it!


It’s not as bad as I thought…she’s stronger than I’ve imagined. I think she’ll grow to be more courageous than the mummy!

Oh yes, praise the Lord, no fever!

Lesson learnt: let go and stop worrying for our kids!!!

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