Sunday, August 1, 2010


We have been well trained in church to spot for HFMD symptoms – fever, spots on fingers, feet, mouth, tongue… Week in week out, we conduct health check to ensure the children we take in are free of such symptoms…

BUT there are other ‘hidden’ or ‘subtle’ symptoms like sore throat, diarrhoea, crankiness that we can miss.

BB S had bad diarrhoea yesterday with 14 change of diaper. Doctor diagnosed as stomach flu and attributed the spots on her abdomen as viral reaction. We also secretly blamed the introduction of soft-boiled egg as the culprit.

Today, we thought her unusual cranky self today was due to her tummy. BUT in the evening, daddy M spotted some pox on her feet and off we went to the A&E again… The doc instantly diagnosed it as HFMD and washed his hands twice in the span of 10minute we were with him!

Thank God, her appetite is still good and there’s no fever. She’s sound asleep now… it’s been one long day.

Tomorrow will be better.

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