Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The return of HFMD

We celebrated Christmas this year fighting HFMD. This is S's second encounter with this pesky disease (she had it once when she was eight months old). However this time is worse with ulcers in the mouth and crankiness index hit all time high as she couldn't eat nor drink. It also affected her sleep. Ice cream, yoghurt, Popsicle, cold soba, 100 plus - all the things that I hear would help to numb the pain didn't work. It broke my heart to see her yearning for food yet not able to eat... The funny thing was she kept smelling food,"mommy, I smell fried chicken.", " mommy, I smell like watermelon", hallucination perhaps.

It was made worse as we just sent our help back to Philippines for Christmas holidays! Round the clock care almost drove me up the wall. Daddy M was slightly spared because S just wanted ME!
Thank God for a phone call from SI (whom had recently encountered HFMD with her kid) at the point of me breaking down. I felt almost like having post-natal blue. Yes it was that serious and helpless... With that, I have accepted that I am a spoilt brat who can't run the household without help.
Thank God too that it's December and I am able to stay home...
It's day 5 and I think we have bottomed out..

Sent from my iPad

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