Sunday, October 24, 2010


What’s the difference between faith and ignorance?

Faith = Have good opinion on all things and believe that God handles every situation

Ignorance =A state of being uninformed and unaware which may lead to ‘unwise’ acts

Yesterday afternoon bb S was struck by a sudden high fever of 38+ degrees. After a dose of Panadol, her temperature subsided.  We were not entirely anxious. I continued with my serving in church, while Daddy M seemed to be able to handle her at home, having some ‘fun’ with the cooling gel!

photo1Evening came, her temperature started to rise to 39.6 degrees. I was still not worried, thinking that she would be well soon, the next day, perhaps. She was as her usual self, happily blabbering away.

Somehow, a thought came to me to call my sis to check how would she deal with the fever.

SK: Jie, S is having fever. What did you use to do to the boys apart from Panadol?

Sis: What’s the temperature?

SK: 39.6

Sis: WHAT!?????? Go to the hospital NOW! What were you thinking?! Other kids would have gone to hospital when they hit 38 degrees!

SK: err… oh.. ok (Sis continued to exclaim for the next 5 minutes or so)

And so we spent the next three hours in the A&E (waiting for the most part of it). After sponging and more Panadol, no admission was necessary. Praise God.

So, am I faithful or am I ignorant?

1 comment:

wandalingam said...

huh, are you sure? higher than 38 degrees must go hospital liao? i also did the same as you, administering paracetamol at home, until the rashes came out, before i got really worried and went to see the doc. FAITH?