Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Contemporary art

The latest addition to our weekend activities- 45-minute art class on Saturday mornings.
It all started because a friend is trying to set up art classes for kids (in his office). S is the no. 2 kid he recruited after his 5-year old niece.
Enrichment fever is a phenomena that has gripped a lot of parents. Parents who can afford and kiasu (aka competitive and ‘plan ahead’) start sending their children to all manner of enrichment classes from as young as six months old. Flash cards, Shichida, Mindchamps, growing up gifted, power Chinese, you name it they have it. These classes are intended to help the children to ‘excel’ in their education years later. I had always been reluctant to send S for any program mainly because our weekends are too precious to be spent on car rides, queues and waits in the name of enrichment.
However, if I must and willing, I would start her with swimming (for survival??), piano (free of charge because my cousin used to give piano lessons), or violin (I think she looks cute with it!). Art is the last thing on my mind because I can’t draw to save my life! On second thought, this might be the right choice of enrichment - to pick up a skill that is not inherited genetically nor can be taught by the parents.

The first session was enjoyable and we managed to rope C along for the second session. So now we have three kids in this not-so-proper-set-up-but-intimate art class. It shall be fun!

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