Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Meet S at 31 months.  She drives me up the wall sometimes. Everyone tells me that she behaves perfectly in my absence but turns into a whiny, demanding kid the moment I get home from work.

With the move and unpacking, we have been focusing on the house more than her, which I believe is the trigger for some defiance in her, to get our attention. I have been questioning myself if I am doing the right thing or being a 'good' mom, with the recent increase in time-out sessions (stand-in-a-corner-and-'think'-what-you-have-done-wrong).

God knows my heart.

A few days ago, S had a boil on her hand and came to me with her eyes cringed: "Can you pray for me?". Immediately after I prayed, she continued with her activity, as if the boil is gone. During our night prayer, she said: "Thank you Jesus for my new room, my new house, my kitchen, my tent, my milk, my bottles, my toys…". I was moved. It was like an affirmation from God that yes, I’m on the right track, I'm not a horrible mom because she has caught what we want to impart in her - Jesus being the centre and give thanks in all things.

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