Monday, November 1, 2010

Holiday planning

We are always fickle, especially in our travelling plans. More so with bb S in our lives.

First we planned to visit daddy M’s sister and nephews in Melbourne in December. Then we heard that it may be very hot this summer. So we changed our plans to Tasmania, hoping to escape from the heat. A few days later, suddenly we were travelling half the globe to Cape Town because the air tickets were cheap. Yes we can be unrealistic at times. So we popped some reality pills and agreed that we should wait another 5 more years to enjoy the Safari together with bb S. Then we were going to Paris and Aix en Province. Too cold too cold! Kyoto and Tokyo would be better. I was thrilled to fulfil my dream! Sigh…but 10-15°C is still too cold for the little fella considering that we sleep in 26°C (with blanket).

Finally we took the exotic route to Chiang Mai or Bali. Perfect weather.

We tossed a few coins and read hundreds of reviews from Tripadvisor.

Uluwatu Beach here we come.


It’s also my alternative to the Amalfi Coast…


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