Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Unrealistic Chinse

I have been tasked to help M’s niece, E on her Chinese. With my Chinese-educated background, I didn’t see this as a challenge at first. E told me that ‘comprehension’ would be her weakest link and I chanced upon a vendor near work place who sells a compilation of past exam papers from the elite schools in Singapore. Perfect. So we started our first session.

After seeing the assessment, I needed a drink. They were D.I.F.FI.C.U.L.T.

No wonder she dislikes Chinese! I’m totally appalled by the ‘high’ standards set for this English-speaking society where more than 50% of the children I see don’t speak Chinese, let alone understand the content of the comprehension which is of the standard of a forum in the newspaper or some kind of thesis.

For instance, the comprehension below talks about how parents should encourage their children to be independent. If a person learns to turnaround adversities in life with a cheerful spirit, calmness and optimism, he will achieve the state of ‘nirvana’ in life. (???!!!!!?????!!!!)


Seriously??? Someone in the ministry of education need to swallow some reality pills! I feel the burden of the 12 year olds out there. Can we spare S from this please…..

A PSLE-Chinese-traumatised aunt who needs a drink

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