25 years go, I cried every single time my aunt cut my hair for me. I hated the coconut-husk shape cut. I worried that friends in school would laugh at my coconut head. But come to think of it, none of them did. Can’t believe after 2.5 decades, I am still doing the same, (it usually happens when I try out new hair-stylist). At times like this, I pity M, who has to bear with my sulky unsatisfactory hair-cut aftermath.
The bad mood will last for a few days and everyday I chant this to myself.-
1. They will grow
2. I am still loved
3. My colleagues wont’ laugh at me
4. It’s much cheaper than the normal hair cut at the other “posher” salon
5. No one will notice, only me
I really wonder if this is a matter of low self-confidence or pure hair-obsession...
did you just cut your hair??
you should try kr+. owned by same guy, cheaper, and satisfaction guaranteed.
i am still surviving on $35 per haircut.
is it really THAT bad??? have doubt. u always over react. anyway, u r the shi li pai not ou xiang pai, so it's ok lah...
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