Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Spot the difference

It's results season again. Unquestionably, my workstation is invaded like a war zone. Obviously "Clean-desk”policy is not implemented here. But I recently read that studies show clean desk policy can help to:-

  1. Portray the right image of employee (meaningless if you're sleep deprived)
  2. Reduce stress level with a tidy desk (rolling my eyes)
  3. Reduce the threat of security as passwords and confidential information get locked away (not applicable)
  4. Reduce workplace accidents and spills (ok, now we're talking!)

So today, I decided to do a test on the studies, especially on point 2 and oh well, on point 1 too (might as well).

Let's wait for a week, ok maybe less than that -which ever that comes first - back to ground zero or a happier sk with a polished image.

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