Friday, December 12, 2008

I'm sane

INSANITY means doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results. The verdict is out. I'm not insane. I can do /eat/listen/watch the same thing, food, music, movie over and over and still enjoy it fully, expecting the same level of satisfaction each time..

I can listen to the same Jacky Cheung or Jay Chou song repeatedly for 1 day or even 1 week. I watched "He is a woman, She is a man" 26 times over the span of 3 years. I can eat Penang Laksa, Perut Ikan, Penang style Chai Boey everyday and be happy.

So this week is a happy week with Penang Laksa (from Jason Penang Cuisine) and 2 days of Penang Chai Boey, thanks to Shih. For those who have not tried, Penang Chai Boey is absolutely different from Sg's . It's sour and tangy cooked from salted vegetables, tamarind, dried chilli and roasted duck/ pork. A common dish in Malaysia after a wedding or CNY reunion dinner where the left over dishes are put together and simmer for hours. I can eat this everyday... Burp.. I still have a container left over in the fridge.


meefedtothemax said...

what's chai boey? is it like zhap chai?

The little me said...

Yup but it's soupy and with roasted pork/duck!

meefedtothemax said...

sounds quite yummy...kinda like hum choy tong cooked with siew ngap :)