Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Love tank

The gloomy news of pay cut was quickly forgotten the moment I received these gorgeous cupcakes from my favourite shop- Carnival & Co. A no occasion and no-moral-of-the-story kind gesture from WL. My day was immediately brightened! I may not have sweet tooth but the sight of these beautifully-decorated cakes warmed my heart. My love tank is full.

PS: everyone has a love tank- how you express love and how you feel loved (in general and not limited to between couples). There are 5 ways of expressing love -1) words, 2) quality of time, 3) gifts, 4) acts of service and 5) physical touch. Obviously my tank can be filled easily by 3 and 4 :) .

PS 2: thanks wl!

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wandalingam said...

i was just asking aimei last nite abt love tank. couldnt remember 2) quality of time! Duh!

Sin Yee said...

i think my love tank is all of the above. muaaahhhh